Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Connect! Your PLN Lab

Explore with us how Personal Learning Networks (PLN) add value to our personal and professional lives. From tools and strategies to perspectives and philosophies,  we're opening up a lab for sharing this conversation across synchronous, asynchronous, and ambisynchronous formats. 

Our unique approach for Connect! Your PLN Lab combines highly interactive webinars and hands-on challenge activities to provide you with an engaging learning experience focused on helping you maximize the potential of your PLN.

For all the information, check out our PLN wiki at:

Be sure to watch the video too:


There is much fun to be had!


Draft of National Technology Literacy Test Released

ASCD SmartBrief | 08/17/2009

A draft of proposed national technological-literacy exams has been released
by the National Assessment Governing Board. You can download it at:


The computer-based test, which will be given to a sample of students in
fourth, eighth and 12th grades in 2012, will gauge students' ability to use
and communicate with technology as well as their understanding of
technology's advantages and drawbacks.
