Tuesday, May 26, 2009

FROM ASTD NM: Job Links Updated / New Jobs Posted!

Thanks to Szq and Larry for the following information!

FYI: Overview of current jobs related to instructional design, training,
and technology outside the PreK-14 classroom. (Is that where the "real
world" is?)

We are receiving requests from all over for new positions!
We at ASTD NM wish you the very best when applying for them.
See our new and updated positions at http://www.astdnm.org/jobs

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Brain Fitness - Help Students Become Lifelong Learners

Thank you Szq for this resource!

The New Science of Learning:
Brain Fitness for Kids
As seen on Public Television

A brain is an amazing structure: flexible, powerful, and able to learn,
process, create and dream. The more we discover about the brain, the more we
are able to affect how learners use their brains, and thus improve their
potential for the future. Just as exercise of the body promotes physical
fitness, so does the proper exercise of the mind promote brain fitness. The
latest neuroscience has shown how plastic the brain actually is; the input
we receive actually creates physical or "neuroplastic" changes in the brain.

In short, we can train this amazing structure to help learners become more
fit and ready for lifelong learning&lsqauo;and the earlier in life we start with
such exercise, the better.

A program called "The New Science of Learning: Brain Fitness for Kids,"
produced by Public Television, explores the exciting promise of brain
plasticity and how it can be used to optimize learning and dramatically,
positively and permanently impact the lives of learners of all abilities.

Through interviews with neuroscientists, psychologists, educators, and
parents, it tells the groundbreaking and moving story of previously
unthinkable successes in learning and life. We are excited to bring you some
of the experts featured on the show in a series of complimentary webinars!

The New Science of Learning: Brain Fitness for Kids Webinar Series
* May 27th, 10am PDT, How the Brain Learns: From the Laboratory to the
* Dr. Paula Tallal, Board of Governor¹s professor of neuroscience at
Rutgers, The State of New Jersey, and co-founder and co-director of the
Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience.
* June 4th, 10am PDT, Brain Plasticity, Child Development, and Learning
* Dr. Michael Merzenich, Professor Emeritus in Otolaryngology in the W. M.
Keck Foundations Center for Integrative Neurosciences at the University of
California San Francisco Medical Center, and elected member of the National
Academy of Sciences.
* June 10th, 9am and 1pm PDT, Stewarding the Health of our Children¹s
* David Boulton, Learning Activist, Director of the Children of the Code

To register for these upcoming seminars Click here
> .

If you are one of the first 1000 people to sign up you will receive a
complimentary DVD of the television special before it airs nation-wide in
June, but hurry, limited copies of the DVD are available, so sign up today!
To see these experts on the pubic television program "The New Science of
Learning: Brain Fitness for Kids," when it airs nation-wide, check your
local listings for dates and times.

Editorial Projects in Education, Inc., 6935 Arlington Road, Suite 100,
Bethesda, MD 20814. EPE is the publisher of Education Week, Digital
Directions, Teacher Professional Development Sourcebook, edweek.org,
teachermagazine.org, DigitalDirections.org and TopSchoolJobs.org.

Copyright © 2009 Editorial Projects in Education.